Sunday, 24 March 2013

More snow fun...

Over the past couple of days we've had a really unusual cold spell, bringing with it buckets and buckets of snow. The kids of course have been having a whale of a time. Daddy had a snow day as the car couldn't drive up our snowy street. Family time at a moments notice!
When we were schooling the morning would have been fretful. Listening to local radio and checking weather reports, so we could see if our school was open. There has even been a time I've battled through the snow to get to school only to be turned away. Now the only stress we have is getting enough layers on in the shortest possible time!

The kids have made a huge igloo with daddy today, well the first six inches maybe. He finished the rest whilst hot chocolate was served and gloves were drying on radiators. It looks pretty fine now though.
Engineering lesson I reckon!


  1. It's still there this morning. Its even grown in size by an inch as we've had snow falling again through the night.
    During yesterday afternoon we had some of the neighbourhood kids round to play, they loved it too.
    I wonder what today might hold for our igloo? I'll be sure to let you know ;)

  2. That is so awesome! How did you get a snow roof?

  3. That looks brill !! Who had the winning idea? x
