We had loads of snow. Loads. Like I haven't seen for years. Even hubby (who goes to work come hell or high water) had a snow day as he couldn't drive off our small estate and the even some of the main roads surrounding our viillage were almost impassable. The local kids were off school too. Our kids couldn't wait to get out in it. I was awoken with screaming once they'd peeped through the curtains.
Well who doesn't like the snow?
I'm allowed to say 'Me' right? I Really don't like it. Never really liked it if I'm honest. Wet gloves and sore cold feet are not my thing now I'm older. I stay firmly behind the glass waiting for the cries of, "Mum...Can I have some more gloves?" They ran out of them in the end and the littlest ended up with socks on instead. Mummy fail! Must get more gloves. Four pairs each is still not enough.
Me being inside the house provided more entertainment though. Throwing snowballs at the front window was really really funny apparently. Me jumping everytime they got a hit was bordering on hysterical for our little man.
On a serious note...
Playing together is a fundamental part of our home edding life. It may seem a lot like we're skiving and doing nothing. They're just learning through play. I tried googling 'Learning through play' to illustrate my point, but there's nothing I can really put my finger on. They're just being kids and enjoying themselves. Thats not so bad is it?
Playing in snow has its advantages. It has great build qualities and you can really go to town with your imagination. They didn't make your usual snowman. We had a snow bunny and a snowy owl in our garden.
Happy snowy days :)
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